If you’re a die-hard introvert like me, The Introvert’s Guide to Friendship is a good read.
Red is trying to be a more conscientious shopper, but balancing ethics and convenience is no mean feat.
J. Money lists the five things you should always keep in your car.
Carrie Actually shows us how to make the most of StumbleUpon.
Ashley has some words of advice for her younger sister on her 21st birthday.
Haunted by a bad breakup, NTKOG hires someone to reenact the whole scene and finds it amazingly cathartic.
And on that note, Kara wonders if she could hack dating in the digital age (I know I wouldn’t. I’d probably try to wheedle my way into an arranged marriage, somehow. Joking. Really.)
FOOD (because I keep coming across so many scrummy recipes that it would be criminal not to share)
Iowa Girl Eats whips up what is possibly the best-looking stirfry I’ve ever seen. Oh, and her stuffed pizza burgers also look incredible.
And for people who hate grilled chicken, there’s this amazing lemon yoghurt recipe at Dinner: a Love Story which I plan to try this week. NOM.
Jessica B’s couscous chicken salad also looks amazing!
It’s a topic that’s already been covered in the bloggysphere, but I enjoyed Well Heeled’s post on the definition of “afford”, as well as the comments.
Are you one of the herd who recently got engaged? There are tips for planning a wedding without breaking the bank at Punch Debt, via Every Little Kiss
They say you should never mix money and family matters, but Jessie’s thinking of buying her aunt’s house.
Stacking Pennies pays an $80 premium for a jacket (Why? Click through to find out) and wonders if it was worth it.
Dog Ate My Finances writes about prenups and why she changed her mind on the subject.
Airam asks if you would splurge on a destination wedding for a good friend? Go see family overseas? Or both?
Aspiring Minimalist aspires to work-life balance but finds that achieving it is harder than it sounds…
Yes and Yes talks to four freelancers and gets their best advice for rocking freelance writing.
A fundraiser shows us just how much information can be gleaned about a person from Facebook and other public information sites – even if your profile is set to private.
PR Working Girl offers some useful tips on networking.
Rainy Day Saver wonders if social media use can actually boost your productivity.
And to wrap things up, Redhead Writing calls on freelancers to start calling themselves business owners and lift their game. Biting and acerbic, it’s a hilarious call to action.
Thanks for the link! And for all the other great links!
Thanks for the link! 🙂
[…] always points out the best links, which led me to some awesome tips for planning a wedding without breaking the bank at Punch Debt, […]
Thx for the shout out, glad you enjoyed the article 🙂
Thanks for the link love!!! 😀