
Going forward

a drawing of a 4 piece jigsaw puzzle

Image via Wikipedia

(I’ve just put up a new page, Top Posts, for new and semi-new readers.)

Folks, it’s time to set some goals for 2011.

This blog has always been a work in progress. Unless you’re totally dedicated and have combed my archives Red-style, you probably missed much of its evolution – from totally random reflections and non-hyperlinked links, through flatmate rants and uni woes, through my rather dull stint of weekly spending logs, to the mix you see today. I’d sort of hoped by now I would have figured out a really reflective blog name, got my own domain…basically be a bit further along this blogging journey. Alas, I’ve failed to come up with something better to replace this holding name (although I guess it’s marginally better than the first version, A Hotchpotch of Ramblings – that’s what you get when you start a blog on the spur of the moment one slow evening at work) and a revamp is not on the horizon. Guess you’re stuck with things as they are.

Luckily, blogging about my goals in 2010 has definitely helped me keep them at the forefront of my mind, and keep me accountable: much more than any vision board ever could

Which is why it really bugs me that I’m at a bit of a loss as to goal setting for next year. Initially I thought the financial ones were easy, but I may or may not be making a big change soon…so I can’t even set a savings goal yet.

Travel-wise, I’m angling to go overseas for my birthday, and hopefully take a big trip towards the end of the year…or possibly in 2012. I also want to score a travel writing assignment.

But beyond that, I’m stuck.

I don’t want to set goals like an arbitrary number of books to read, songs to learn, servings of fruit/veg a day. Maybe monthly challenges – like the clothing challenge I did earlier this year – are the way to go.

What goals are you setting for 2011??

12 thoughts on “Going forward

  • Reply The Asian Pear December 31, 2010 at 02:44

    I have 3 goals. One to save money for school. Another to to save money for my Emergency Fund. And lastly to lose weight. They’re omnibus type goals so they will affect every lifestyle choice I make from what I eat to what I spend. I think that’s enough goals for me.

    Personally, I love monthly challenges. It’s like a mini-challenge. And since it’s only 30 days long, most are very doable.

  • Reply Goal setting: I/O theory « Grumpy rumblings of the untenured December 31, 2010 at 04:24

    […] (to my work) section on goal setting. With all the PF and academic bloggers setting their goals/resolutions etc. or refusing to do so, I thought it would make an interesting post to discuss what […]

  • Reply danablair December 31, 2010 at 05:18

    I’ve loved watching your blog flourish. Who says you have to set goals right this minute? You are a goal oriented person who I’m sure will continue to accomplish in 2011!

  • Reply gem December 31, 2010 at 06:30

    My goal is to finish my 101 in 1001 days. I don’t actually think I will finish it, and I technically have another year after this one, but most of the goals on it are do-able within a year, so I want to get on it already! (Plus if I do a good enough job this year, I’ll allow myself to start the list over, and I totally love setting goals 100 times more than I do achieving them, lol.)

  • Reply Investing Newbie December 31, 2010 at 07:36

    I still haven’t thought of my goals!!! I have only tomorrow to start being clever. I’m hoping to have a stroke of genius later on tonight!

  • Reply findingserenity2010 December 31, 2010 at 08:27

    Those are some fantastic goals. And as a new blogger myself, I’ve been feeling the same growing pains you have. I’m sure it’s worth looking back and reflecting just how far you’ve come from time to time – I can’t wait to be there myself 🙂

    Best of luck on your goals! I’m still trying to decide on mine, and I’d better hurry, since this year is ending very soon!

  • Reply Jessie's Money December 31, 2010 at 11:38

    This year my big goal is not going into debt over the wedding in August. We’re still working towards saving for a house – but the wedding is the big focus. The rest will be gravy…

  • Reply Amber from Girl with the Red Hair December 31, 2010 at 11:49

    I want to set small goals that will overall improve my quality of life in 2011! I want to read more, spend less time on the computer, get more sleep, go on more dates with Eric.

    Then I have the big goals like buying our townhouse and getting a puppy 🙂

  • Reply First Gen American January 1, 2011 at 00:16

    I’m waiting til Feb to set some of my financial goals. By then I should know what windfalls I will get from tax returns and such, plus January is about booked up already.

    I always have travel as a goal. It may be generic, but I always kick myself if I go a whole year without seeing someplace new.

    Since I’m sitting here with my back thrown out, I think I’ll have to put getting my strength back as part of a goal. I’ve sort of taken a haitus from my physical fitness this year and unfortunately it has materialized badly in more ways than one..extra pounds, less energy, bad back, physical therapy costs.

    I also spend too much time on the computer. I love blogging and commenting but I think I need to start setting some limits or be more productive with how I use my computer time.

  • Reply Stephanie January 2, 2011 at 14:19

    I think I have the same problem with my blog. I have high aspirations, and I want a focused blog, perhaps on its own domain. I want to be a “real” pf blogger 😛
    But I know what you mean. I think you’re doing great so far! I like reading your posts, especially when it gives us some insight into what life is like on the other side of the globe!
    As for my goals, I guess there are the financial ones: pay off a good part of my student loans (maybe make a specific goal?), health ones: need to get back to the gym, and more often, plus eat better, and general planning: figure out if I want to go back to school, figure out my career, other huge questions…

    Realizing a lot of my goals are a bit open ended/not focused enough. I guess I’ll have to meditate on what exactly I want to do.

  • Reply Emily Jane January 4, 2011 at 02:43

    I’m sticking to my goal list I made on my birthday – I have another 5 months to tackle everything and I’m over halfway done! I’m totally with you – blogging about them really helps keep me accountable. I hope you score your travel writing assignment this year, that’d be amazing 🙂

  • Reply Non-measurable goals (aka, not so SMART) « Musings of an Abstract Aucklander January 18, 2011 at 16:44

    […] It doesn’t feel that long ago I blogged about not knowing what goals to set. […]

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