
NZ really needs a break

On Tuesday, I thought I was dying.  I was maybe a third of the way through my run when I started to feel faint and started to lose my vision. I literally could not see, and that scared the shit out of me. Everything went super photo-sensitive – bright, white and spotty. I could only make out the world around me, vaguely, through this haze of light. Luckily, I know those roads well, and I managed to continue walking along more or less blind until I reached the shade and my eyesight began to return.

Lesson learned: Do not run at midday in the height of summer. And wear sunglasses, maybe. Dehydration isn’t fun, kids.

Then I got a call from work. Another quake in Christchurch. A big one. My issues kind of paled in comparison.

Between my faint spell and finishing off a freelance project, I hadn’t had time to get online all day. Which is very rare for me. But before I went to bed, I checked my email. What do you know…some of my bloggy friends were worried about me and wanted to know I was okay! (Who says Americans are self-centred?) And they’re smart too; as my blog title suggests, I’m in Auckland. And a quick Google will show you that Christchurch is in the South Island, down the other end of the country.

So, thanks Purse, Red, Serendipity, Sunflowers and Revanche – it means a lot 🙂.

NZ has been through a tough year. It’s been an eventful year, a good year, I guess, to work in news. It’s also been a depressing year – all the stories about the ever-rising cost of living – rent, petrol food, national debt, car crashes, drownings, baby deaths, and now, on the heels of Pike River, a second massive Christchurch quake – this time a deadly one. People from all walks of life. Including, to date, at least one journalist, killed when the newsroom collapsed.

I’m sad that I never got to see Christchurch before all this happened. I don’t know what it will look like by the time we get to do our road trip, but it will never be the same. I wonder, in one or two or five years, how many people will still live there; I think it’s safe to say nobody will want to insure any Cantabrian houses after this.

Hug your loved ones. Get insurance. And donate whatever you can – it’s going to be a slow and expensive process to rebuild the Garden City.

9 thoughts on “NZ really needs a break

  • Reply Bits & Pieces 2/24/11 February 24, 2011 at 12:38

    […] agree with eemusings – NZ needs a break. The earthquakes are just tearing Christchurch […]

  • Reply The Asian Pear February 24, 2011 at 13:14

    I’m glad you’re okay. I realized that Auckland was over 1000 km away from Christchurch but I wasn’t sure exactly how strong the earthquake was. I mean… I knew what the richter scale said but wasn’t sure what it meant in terms of if you felt it in Auckland.

  • Reply Stephany February 24, 2011 at 14:47

    I’m glad to hear you’re OK but what an absolute awful tragedy. I can’t even imagine.

  • Reply Stephanie February 24, 2011 at 18:26

    I knew you were from NZ but couldn’t remember how far away you were from it. Glad to hear you’re okay.

    Natural disasters are scary. I agree with your ending thoughts: I’m going to make sure to hug the people I love.

  • Reply Grace February 24, 2011 at 22:56

    I actually thought of you as I watched the news and for some weird reason couldn’t remember how far Christchurch is from Auckland. At least you are well. Sending you lots of warm hugs from South Africa.

  • Reply Lisa Fine February 25, 2011 at 01:10

    New Zealand definitely needs a break. It all makes me so sad. I spent a month in New Zealand a few years ago, and found it to be a country with stunning scenery and gracious people.

  • Reply First Gen American February 25, 2011 at 04:26

    I’ve been to christchurch and it was a cute little place. It was a city but not a huge one so it felt cozy. These things always seem more tragic when you’ve been there. I feel for the people of New Zealand and hope the losses are at the low end of the predictions.

  • Reply February goal checkin « Musings of an Abstract Aucklander March 2, 2011 at 16:03

    […] been getting strange pains, cramps (I think that was due to not eating enough beforehand) and nearly passing out (dehydration, oops.) I haven’t run more than a couple of ks since, er, last year? I’m […]

  • Reply Link love (Powered by the good oil and slavish labour) « Musings of an Abstract Aucklander March 5, 2011 at 09:17

    […] I’m sure I don’t need to explain the slavish labour part – y’all have heard about the mighty earthquake. […]

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