There’s a change in the air. Over the past week or two, it’s been standing room only on the bus. I get on at the end of the first stage, so about a third of the distance out of the city in relation to the entire bus route, or two-thirds through when going into the city.
I’m at bit of a loss to explain this phenomenon, beyond rising petrol prices. It’s now $2.19 at the pump. I’m somewhat sheltered from gas price increases (the latest round of bus fare increases didn’t affect the pass I buy) but T drives to and from work everyday. Granted, he doesn’t have much traffic to deal with – he recently had the chance to change to a 9-5 shift and rejected it, because he didn’t want to have to deal with rush hour – but it’s still a fair bit of distance.
Anyway, so by the time we are one or two stops past mine, we can no longer fit any more people on. Instead, we zoom past, as glaring throngs build up at the city fringe stops (really, they’d probably be better off walking at that point).
It’s a good thing. Aucklanders need to embrace public transport. Now all we need is more buses!
A Stuff column on the legal rort of credit card surcharges, noting often they’re applied in situations where you have no choice but to use a credit card (Amen! How else are you meant to book a flight?)
In an age where everyone harps on about monetising your hobbies, this was refreshing. As The Simple Dollar says, sometimes they should remain that way.
Wandering Earl recounts his quest to find the perfect way to carry money while travelling.
Laura asks: Did you choose your career or did it choose you?
Krystal shares seven signs it might be time to look for a new job, over on her Moneyville blog.
Are there some jobs you just cannot muster up passion for, that are not conducive to satisfaction? I think so, and so does Study Hacks.
A nice guest post on Ms Career Girl about internal vs external motivation and faking it till you make it.
Six writers offer an insight into book covers and blurbs (I always thought THEY wrote their own…apparently not!)
I dig APW for spurning the wedding industry complex (did they coin that term?) and this post in particular which doesn’t gush about the big day, but admits sometimes it’s really not as much of a deal as it’s made out to be.
Having trouble finding time for yourself? Read this post by Dumb Little Man (I did what they call a time-audit awhile ago, but I think it’d look different today).
Fabulously inspiring pictures from Makeunder My Life on decor and decluttering.
And my top three picks:
“I am a dreamer. Less idealistic than I once was, but still idealistic. Yet weirdly practical too and with a gift for efficiency. At their worst, these qualities combine to make me a defeatist…” – I identified so much with Ashley’s reflective post.
“To be “young” in Western, white, middle-class culture is synonymous with being “fun” in a particular, narrowly defined way….But at the same time, if your interests evolve and change as time passes, there’s no shame in that, either. For most of us, it’s just part of getting older.” – Amen, Rachel.
“Years ago, when Ferris Bueller said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it,” I knew I’d fully understand the meaning of that eventually.” – DC Princess faces up to the whirlwind of 20-something existence.
Happy weekends…
Thanks so much for the link love!
hmmmm. i noticed that during the last few weeks, too! i just thought maybe some major event was on on the few days that I actually ride buses.