
Link love (Powered by lemons and flying turtles)

As a media professional, it hurts me to see wannabe professional writers/bloggers writing for content mills (and bragging about it). Look, I know we all have to start somewhere, but content mills are not the place to stay. Instead, look to Carol Tice’s blog for ideas on getting better-paying work (she’s a great resource for freelance writers).

Over at Give Me Back My Five Bucks, Krystal explains how she got her first job post-graduation.

My Pretty Pennies says life is like a game of snakes and ladders.

Here is a great example of prose (bonus, it’s a love story).

No guilt. Read what makes you feel good, via Baking and Books.

Happiness takes both effort and planning, writes First Gen American.

Eat Move Write takes on  the topic of interracial relationships

And finally, Perfectly Cursed Life compares (in table form!) what we thought adulthood would be like, vs the reality.



One thought on “Link love (Powered by lemons and flying turtles)

  • Reply bakebooks July 3, 2011 at 13:02

    You are a doll. I always find the most interesting things to read here – really – I appreciate that! I am SO off to read that freelancing piece 🙂

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