
Link love (Powered by blogging peeves and other woes)

Some weird shit has been happening in the blogging world.

First, WordPress and Google’s Blogger stopped playing nice with each other. Despite putting in the correct Captcha codes, I could not post comments on Blogger blogs using my WordPress credentials. I had to use either my Google account or Name/URL (if the latter option was even available).

Then I noticed a few blogs recently go to partial RSS all of a sudden, apparently through nothing they’d done.

(I’m curious, by the way. How do you keep up with blogs? Email? RSS? Bookmarks? Something else?)

Now WordPress isn’t playing nice, either – if you’re using an email that’s ever been associated with a WordPress or Gravatar, apparently, it will ask you to log in. Either that, or you gotta use Facebook/Twitter. Lame.

I checked my commenting settings. For wordpress.com users, there are two:

Comment author must fill out name and e-mail – When this setting is on, anyone leaving a comment will be forced to leave a name and a valid email address. If the setting is off, visitors can leave anonymous comments.

Users must be registered and logged in to comment – If this box is checked, only logged in WordPress.com users will be allowed to leave comments. If it is not checked, any visitor can leave a comment.

As per this thread, I checked, and I already had the second unselected, but now I’ve also deselected the first in an effort to make the process easier.

If you were having issues but can now comment, I’d really appreciate feedback – even just a Yes or a smiley face! Otherwise, well, perhaps it’s time to figure out my branding and consider going self-hosted…


At Fast Company, my favourite publication,we have both 8 reasons to choose a startup over a corporate, and 9 reasons to do the opposite.

Similarly, Susannah Breslin defends working for the man in her latest column.

The 99 Percent talks to some lifestyle design types (shudder) about how to do great work while travelling the world.

Five stories of graduates whose student loan debt determined their careers, via The Grindstone.

At Publishing Trendsetter: the things you enjoy may not have the broadest appeal – it’s the things others enjoy that will make you money.

Like me, Her Every Cent Counts doesn’t want to move into management.

Budgets are Sexy features a guest who moonlights as a bouncer (T has done it a couple of times, but obviously, the hours are rather crap)

So Over Debt lists 10 things that suck about job hunting.

Krystal asks: would you relocate for a better job?

How much money would it take for you to clean somebody else’s bathroom? Via She Bloggs.

The ultimate post-layoff to-do list, at Sense to Dollars.

Financial Samurai has a kickass post on what it’s like to be unemployed.


Some tips for handling freeloading friends and family, via You Have More Than You Think.

It’s not about just increasing income or cutting costs – it’s about maximising that gap in between, says Fabulously Broke.

Budgets Are Sexy on using daily deals to make dating more fun.

Making money isn’t glamorous, says Afford Anything. Ain’t that the truth…


Raspberry coconut macaroons. How good do those sound? At Smitten Kitchen.

Double berry oat muffins, by the Joy of Caking.

Okay, Perks of Being a Jap has convinced me to make these peanut butter cup cookies.

Chocolate peanut butter ice cream! Also, raspberry coconut loaf, both from Hungry and Frozen.


Shannon from According to Me reflects on the then and now of her relationship.

Like Ashley, I have a complex inner life. And like her, I have trouble expressing it. I often feel like there’s no possible way I can ever be the full me, project the full me, in the real world.

I love Redhead Writing’s take on life – it’s all about filling in the blanks.

Chelsea reminds us that it’s OKAY to ask for what we want – and what we need.

In a rut? It’s okay, embrace your 20s – this is actually the most free and least stuck you’ll ever be. A rockin’ post at Thought Catalog.

9 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by blogging peeves and other woes)

  • Reply Lacey Bean April 1, 2012 at 03:08

    Make the peanut butter cup cookie cups!! You won’t regret it 🙂 And I was super annoyed by wordpress.com asking for login as well and then it wouldn’t recognize my gravatar, but only my wordpress.com account which doesn’t have anything associated with it! So annoying.

  • Reply Lacey Bean April 1, 2012 at 03:10

    You won’t be disappointed with the peanut butter cup cookie cups!! I’m tempted to make a batch this weekend!!!

    Also the whole wp login thing is super annoying!! It also wouldn’t recognize my gravatar for awhile, so ridiculous!!

  • Reply Earth and Money April 1, 2012 at 10:06

    I subscribe by RSS and use Google Reader to sort through everything. Its highly customizable – you can categorize your feeds however you like, and star the posts that you like or want to remember. Makes generating link love posts like this really easy!

  • Reply Sense April 3, 2012 at 00:45

    thanks for the link! good stuff here, as always.

    Now where do you find those reese’s mini-cups in NZ to make those cookies?! I’ve only seen the big cups here, and they taste funny…

    • Reply eemusings April 3, 2012 at 08:21

      Oh, did it say minicups? Must’ve missed that. I’m sure larger versions will go down just fine…

  • Reply SheBloggs April 3, 2012 at 03:52

    Thanks so much for including my link along with really good posts !!

    To answer your question about keeping up with blogs, I subscribe by RSS and use Google Reader.

  • Reply ASuburbanLife April 22, 2012 at 17:22

    I use Google Reader to follow the many many blogs I follow. And I’ve been SUPREMELY frustrated lately with my inability to post comments on Blogger posts that I love. It’s so frustrating!

    • Reply eemusings April 22, 2012 at 19:04

      Make sure you don’t use the WordPress option when commenting on Blogger blogs. Name/URL will do it, or if you have a Google account, that too

  • Reply graphic design christchurch May 4, 2012 at 01:47

    Appreciate the recommendation. Will try it out.

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