
What we spent: February 2012

** Click here for more info on my monthly spending roundups.**

Some notes:

Dining – Pretty happy with that!

Groceries – Ditto.

Fines – Not pleased, not pleased at all. T managed to get two speeding tickets this month, after a lovely few clean years. Both have been paid, although one will show up in next month’s accounts.

Holidays – Paid $300, finally, for our New Year’s accommodation. About $100 for petrol, toll and food for our weekend up north. And just over $370 on booking flights to the South Island for our planned September road trip. Post on that coming.

Home expenses – A little misleading, because I can’t split transactions here. $50 was for a game for T, the rest on a radio alarm clock (which handily enough also charges our phones). His phone has been crapping out and the alarm not working, and seeing as he needs to be up at 5.30am – not a time one would normally rise othewise – this was needed.

Motorbike – only got topped up once, but we paid for three months worth of registration, which cost an ungodly $109.

Utilities – Higher than usual. Power and phone/internet are bang on, but Sky TV was higher because we put movies back on for a month, T had two lots of cell phone bills and we paid our water bill (only $33 for two months. It’s ridiculously low, I think, because we split the bill evenly with the tenant in the back unit – there’s only one meter – and she’s NEVER home, so we get the best end of the deal).

Vehicle – This has been the worst summer ever. It’s like we missed out on an entire season. I’m over this crappy weather, not least because rain means more driving, less biking for T.

Pretty happy overall – pretty lean, pretty in line with my priorities – speeding fines excepted. How was your month?

4 thoughts on “What we spent: February 2012

  • Reply Leigh March 4, 2012 at 15:24

    My February was insane! With moving and everything and booking some vacations, I spent $6,000 when my normal spending average is around $3,300. :/

    An alarm clock that charges your phones? That sounds intriguing.

  • Reply BrokeElizabeth March 5, 2012 at 04:57

    I spent waaay more than I meant to on food, but other than that I think my February was okay. Sorry about the fines… those things really suck 🙁

  • Reply Michelle March 5, 2012 at 07:28

    Speeding tickets stink! I got a red light ticket recently and it was stupid.

  • Reply What we spent: March 2012 | Musings of an Abstract Aucklander April 9, 2012 at 23:19

    […] Fines – the second of those two speeding tickets […]

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