
Tuesday Three: The social media edition

  • LinkedIn

    LinkedIn (Photo credit: Christopher S. Penn)

    One of my pet peeves is strictly professional contacts adding me on Facebook. This is not appropriate! Subscribe to my page updates if you must, but there’s no need to befriend me. We are not friends. Connect with me on LinkedIn – and if we already have, let’s leave it there (that’s happened too).

  • I have a policy of accepting most LinkedIn requests – often they’re not people I’ve actually dealt with before, but by virtue of the industry, could well do in the future (and usually I’ll be familiar with their name or at least the company). Potentially useful contacts are always good to have on hand. Lately I’ve had a couple – one from a total stranger with no personal message included, though we both went to the same university – and one who indicates she’s had dealings with me at her company (she hasn’t). I’ve left these sitting untended in my inbox for weeks and probably need to deal to them.
  • People who do not exist online freak me the hell out. (As Lorna Borenstein said at a conference I recently attended, for many Gen Yers, if we’re not pushing out updates on our social profiles, it’s as if we don’t exist.) You NEED to be Google-able. You’re doing yourself a disservice otherwise. I want to be found by people who might have story ideas for me or want to collaborate. You might want to be found by headhunters or potential business clients, and the social web gives you access to them. Maybe you don’t need to be constantly cultivating your social identities, but at least set up a LinkedIn profile or an about.me page.

2 thoughts on “Tuesday Three: The social media edition

  • Reply Marissa @ Thirtysixmonths May 8, 2012 at 14:46

    I have strict rules for FB and linkedin. LI- I need to have had some dealings with you. FB- I need to be able to have a conversation with you, if needed. Otherwise they get declined.

  • Reply Mo' Money Mo' Houses (@momoneymohouses) May 8, 2012 at 14:58

    It’s so weird that you wrote this, because I recently just updated my resume and included all of my online urls that might be useful (my blog, twitter, film website), and I only did this because apparently it’s pretty common practice to do so now. And I know for a fact that employers totally google potential employees, so I have definitely made sure that I’m google-able. And I so agree when I hear someone doesn’t have Facebook or even Twitter I’m like “Why not? It’s 2012! Get with the times!”

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