
Link love (Powered by quinoa and photobooking)

nzmuse link love roundup

Currently on my mind:

Why is dental care not subsidised (beyond age 18 that is) while pregnancy costs are? Dental care is something everyone needs. Having children is not. (No, I don’t have kids, and yes, I would like to one day.)

The internet can be a pretty damn ugly place sometimes. More than one person I follow has quit Twitter in recent times. Another made the mistake of hashtagging a tweet with GamerGate, and you can imagine what followed (I made the exact same mistake a few weeks earlier). I’m always aware when I publish something painfully honest that there’s likely going to be the odd thoughtless comment, but it still hurts when they come.

Nothing is permanent, really, is it? From cookware to clothing, everything wears out eventually.

This week’s links

That deep, deep craving for certainty

On not raising bilingual kids (I wasn’t and mine won’t be either)

Everyone needs hacks to keep their marriage sane

Doing money as a compulsive worrier

How our childhood perspectives on money continue to shape us

Getting the inside scoop on a new company

For those of us not in favour of mailing lists

You don’t have to be excited to stay committed

3 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by quinoa and photobooking)

  • Reply Zee May 9, 2015 at 20:05

    The internet really is full of weird people…. I actually got some of my first hate mail recently from my blog. Someone took the time to tell me that I was wasting my life and that I should quit my job and follow my dreams of travelling the world because I could die in 5 years. They used the phrase “the world ALWAYS supports the bold.” (capitalized just like that too) thinking that would give me the push that I needed. I felt like replying back that sometimes the world also punishes the stupid but I knew there was no real arguing with this person after the first few email exchanges.

    In the end I think it was a milestone for me, apparently I’m reaching enough people that even people that don’t like what I have to say feel the need to take the time to write to me. I must be doing something right with my blog.

  • Reply Jess May 10, 2015 at 16:40

    I so agree with you on the dentist thing. I currently have a toothache and am dreading how much going to the dentist might cost. I haven’t been for the last 8 years…..

  • Reply Jayson @ Monster Piggy Bank May 11, 2015 at 22:31

    I agree with you that nothing is permanent. So when it comes to buying things, I still choose quality over quantity.

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