Pity, really.
It seemed like a good job. A legit job. Proofreading copy for a small website from home.
So BF applied for it. They emailed back, asking a few questions – questions you’d expect, like about experience, internet access, availability, why you want the job.
They also ignored the fact that he applied for the PROOFREADING position and not the simultaneously advertised COMMUNICATIONS ADVISOR role. They acted as if he’d applied for the latter.
We decided to keep going, explaining it was not what he originally applied for but was happy to proceed with this one for now, as this role including coordinating payments and liaising with clients.
Strangely, after he replied, they immediately sent back “congratulations, you’ve got the job! Now, give us your bank account number. You will be processing payments. Clients will pay you and then you will transfer payments to us.” Obviously not in those exact words, but that’s a pretty close approximation.
How disappointing was that? It actually had sounded like a real job. The company appeared to be real; the website was real.
But, obviously not. At least we weren’t desperate enough to fall for it.