
Dwindling savings

Gosh, my savings has really taken a beating as of late. I’m definitely grateful for my parent’s offer…and that I accepted.

Where’d it all go?

Well, there was my eye stuff…new frames and lenses, and contacts. I did however get most of this reimbursed, but not for awhile.

Uni stuff. Fees were about 650, plus a little more for books and stationery, and my Dictaphone (which I haven’t used much but it has proved very useful)

My new laptop and camera after the burglary.


And BF’s Christmas present….and I lent him $400 for car repairs.

It’s all a bit depressing, but hopefully I’ll be working full time after graduation and can rebuild!

One thought on “Dwindling savings

  • Reply Fabulously Broke April 7, 2009 at 23:52

    At least you are cognizant of what’s going on, right? 🙂 Better than feeling like you have no money and wondering why.

    *shrug* All necessary things. Can’t help but need to see…. and some of the money is coming back.

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