Here’s how it is: I’m considering applying for this one-off travel assignment.
The gig involves travelling the whole of NZ with a partner in November, bussing, training, staying in hostels and camps.
We’d have to blog and tweet regularly, and file vlogs (video blogs) daily. Obviously, do interesting stuff and talk to/meet interesting people along the way.
Initially I dismissed the idea. I’ve never done any broadcast stuff, have no interest in it, don’t even know how to work a video camera. Crazy? But I can learn, right?
It would be such a great way to see the country! If I can come up with a standout application, I’m going to go for it. I’d have a month to spare, technically and so would the boy. T could come along with me, it’d be great experience and if it went well, it would be a huge step careerwise. Why the hell not?
… Soooo, to apply, I need to make a video application – in the style of how I’d expect to blog along the way – and write a proposal outlining where we’d go, who we’d speak to and what we’d do.
Ideas? Input? Brilliant suggestions? And NZers, what would you most like to see and do anywhere in the country? I will totally have a reward for anyone who helps me think up a winning application! You know you want to 😀
OOOH, OOH, and OOH! This sounds FANTASTIC! You should def. do this, esp. if they are bankrolling the travel and activities!!
a) You totally have to talk to a sheep farmer, do ‘a day in the life of’ kind of thing. hit up the sheep-shearing season (if there is one?), maybe go to a few contests where they see how fast they can shear or herd or whatever.
b) milford sound, maybe see if you can interview someone who base jumps off of it (maybe they don’t do that regularly enough, though?)
c) hike on one of the glaciers
d) white island
e) hang out with some people who regularly go or are prepping to go to antarctica; i think the univ. in christchurch (canterbury?) is one of the bases where people train or prep before they go down there
f) hunt for kiwis at night (? my friend said there are places you can do this)
g) talk to people who work with kauri and other native woods (where do they get it/who grows it/how do they carve it (this may be boring; my parents are REALLY into woodworking these days so that’s why this is on my list, plus it is a very ‘native kiwi’ type of thing)
h) explore whatever those islands are at the bottom of NZ–chatham? what the hell is down there?
i) i do not want to do this but i’d love to see someone else do it: zorbing.
j) see the penguins again (i saw them on the south island, near dunedin)
maybe you could recreate some LOTR scenes using the real NZ locations as backdrops (really low-budget of course, and in a funny/creative way)?
this is off the top of my head, i will let you know if i think of anything else…
Frigging awesome, you’re just brimming with good ideas! :D:D Thanks