- It’s my birthday on Tuesday. Where most people would be at work, it’s my day off, and as for BF, well, every day is a day off. I’m not sure how much to budget for the day – I’m probably going to spend at least $100, but quite possibly a bit more. I also really want a new camera; I believe I mentioned he managed to lose mine last time he took it on a road trip, and what better time to make the purchase?
- I paid off the Visa. I don’t expect T to start paying me back for some time, but once he finds work, it’s on! Seriously, I can’t remember the last time there wasn’t a balance on the card. It feels GREAT. As I said last week, even if things somehow go pearshaped, I can afford to write this off. Otherwise, it brings me peace of mind, and it’s an investment in our future (okay, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but it’s saving $20 in interest every month.)
- I’m always a little bit late to the book party, but this week I finished the Vintner’s Luck! Look, I’m not into super literary novels full of hidden meaning and symbolism, but even on the surface, this was such a beautiful piece of writing. MPP, can this be my contribution to your book club? 🙂 I also read Basic Black: The Essential Guide for Getting Ahead at Work – a really interesting read for anyone connected with the publishing business, actually, with empowering passages and bits of inspiration peppered throughout. And it also means finally, two more to cross off my list (see bottom of page)! At this rate, it could be years before I finish the entire lot.
- During my webby travails this week, I stumbled across lifetuner.org, which recently won an award for innovative design. There are tools, calculators, Q&As, forums, real life stories and much, much more – it feels to me like the number of financial sites out there is getting a bit overpowering! Like most others, it’s very US-centric – think 401k, 15 and 30 year mortgages, etc.
- One of my best friends is back from overseas. Yay! We caught up over pizza, where all he could talk about was Broadway, Manhattan and how I totally belong in NYC. I wouldn’t wanna live in the Big Apple, but I definitely want to visit, and him constantly saying how he kept imagining me there, in my element, is giving me the travel bug something fierce.
There's more to read, if you want!
Yes, you should visit NYC. I’ll show you all the fun non-touristy things.
Happy early birthday! I always take my birthday off, as well, and I always stayed home from school on my birthday. We’re of the minority, though, because most people I know think it’s weird that I do this!
And super big congrats on paying off the Visa! That’s awesome!
I often have my birthday off, it’s always fallen in school holidays or the semester break during uni. And now that I work Wed-Sun, obviously I’m getting it off this year too!
Congrats on paying off the Visa – that’s awesome!
Thanks for mentioning “The Viniter’s Luck” – I’m always looking out for new books to try, so I’m going to try that one. Are you going to see the movie when it comes out?
VL came out quite a while ago, did it not?
No, I definitely am not going to see it. From what I hear, it doesn’t even attempt to follow the book.
Happy Early Birthday!
and woot for zero balances!