
Well hello, 2011…

Happy New Year!!!


How did you see in the New Year?

I spent mine battling my sinuses for control, out at a house in Glen Eden bush. There were fireworks. There was music. There was Circle of Death, in which I promptly lost my glass of Coke – no, I’m not ashamed to partake in drinking games with a non-alcoholic drink – to a bourbon and coke (which is fine, that was once my beverage of choice), then to a tequila and juice and the dregs of a beer before my glass was returned to me.

T and I also made it up north to Pakiri, and down to the Coromandel. I missed my weekly Link Love for the first time, and had a couple of days away from the internet. Blissful. Initially I was worried about how I’d fill my eight days off, but with half of those spent travelling, that wasn’t much of a problem at all. In fact… the time flew by. Now it’s time to deal with the crap that comes along with Christmas – gift bags which need storing for reuse, unwanted stuff to donate or regift, etc. And getting back into a semblance of routine; holidays are the enemy of healthy eating, sleep patterns and balance in general.

Mostly from up north; I didn't snap many pictures on the second trip

Mostly from up north; I didn't snap many pictures on the second trip


There really is nothing like friendly small-town service. Or a country night sky, literally full of stars. And anti-abortion billboards planted firmly into farm paddocks along the open road. And making the half-hour trek over the rocks and through bush to New Chums Beach in only jandals and a bikini. Or sleeping in a car, the squawking of peacocks faintly audible in the distance.

I love getting away from the city. But returning to Auckland is just as sweet – to plentiful hot and cold, even drinkable water, to showers, to toilets. Remember my campervan idea? Nix. I’d already kind of decided that when we replaced our old car, but observing the slowness first hand and hearing of the inability of certain toilet facilities to handle number twos definitely hammered that home for me.

Also, you may inadvertently have seen an old post or two in your Reader. I have no idea why, and apologise for the confusion.

Finally, thanks to my top referrers for the year!

Jessie’s Money

Sense to Dollars


Girl with the Red Balloon

And thank you to every single one of you who keeps on reading. While in some ways I think I need to draw back a little from blogging and online pursuits this year, I just can’t imagine not doing this. Google Reader was, amazingly, my second biggest referrer. So that means at least some of you really, honestly, give a shit. You rock. You. Yes. You.

6 thoughts on “Well hello, 2011…

  • Reply SS4BC January 6, 2011 at 01:01

    I for one link over from Google reader. 🙂

    The vacation pics are awesome, looks like so much fun!

  • Reply Emily Jane January 6, 2011 at 04:42

    Great pics – a few days away from the internet can be quite magical! 🙂

    Happy new year!

  • Reply gem January 6, 2011 at 05:24

    Haha, I come from Reader too.

    Your trip sounds amazing. I miss especially the tons of stars in a country sky. Delightful.

  • Reply Everyday Tips January 6, 2011 at 11:05

    Now I am dying to go on vacation!

    Getting that break is so healthy for the brain and everything else. I guess that is why vacations were invented in the first place.

    Welcome back and happy 2011

  • Reply First Gen American January 7, 2011 at 09:28

    Yeah, I come over from a google RSS feed. I am feeling the same about blogging/commenting. I’d rather do it over just about anything else, but that’s going to catch up with me at some point. I have to spend more time back in real life and not the virtual kind.

  • Reply Non-measurable goals (aka, not so SMART) « Musings of an Abstract Aucklander January 18, 2011 at 16:44

    […] I talked about New Year’s. But I can’t pretend it was all perfect. What is it that compels seriously decent guys to […]

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