
The Queen’s Meme #84: The Workaday Meme

I’m taking a leaf out of Lesley’s book. Want to play?

Let’s talk that 4-letter work today: W.O.R.K.

1. Are you in a job/career you always wanted?

I am. I’ve also come to realise something: while I couldn’t do something I hate for a living, by the same stroke, work is not everything – there’s so much more to life.

2. Do you find your workday world fulfilling and rewarding?

Mostly, yes. But another thing I’ve learned: despite what some like to espouse, it’s insane to expect every day to excite and inspire you.

3. If you could change jobs, what would you do?

It’s less about what I would *do* per se but I wouldn’t mind trying my hand at something in the music industry. I’d also be open to working in government, a university, a bank (or somewhere like Sorted.org.nz that’s all about personal finance), a nonprofit, travel or the arts. If not in editorial, probably within the marcomms department or a function like technical writing.

4. What about your job irritates you the most?

I’m going to copy Lesley verbatim here: Talking and making nice to other people. Dealing with people who don’t know what they’re doing (myself excluded). Also, crap technology (!!!), frustrations with systems/processes.

5. Would you rather have a high pressure meaningful career or a mindless clock-punching job?

Ugh. I’m highly-strung and try to avoid stress as much as possible – after all, I’m trying to swing towards balance, not away from it. I guess at this stage I’ll still go with the former.

6. I believe in the concept of “paying myself first” as in tucking away dollars for emergencies and vacations. If you started a special savings plan and could save a certain amount each week to do something only for yourself, what would that be?

It would be for travel. Actually, it already is.

7. What do you think is the hardest paying job on earth?

I think working in emergency services – fire, police, or medicine. The pressure, the responsibility, and the hours, plus they require both mental and physical stamina.

3 thoughts on “The Queen’s Meme #84: The Workaday Meme

  • Reply Mimi Lenox May 25, 2011 at 14:52

    Swinging the balance,as you say, is key. I’m trying to learn to work smarter, not harder.

    Thanks for playing!

  • Reply Wifey of a Roadie May 25, 2011 at 17:19

    Trying to get that balance myself. I tend to get bored when things aren’t fun anymore but it’s so true that sometimes a job is just a job!

  • Reply Lesley May 25, 2011 at 18:02

    I’ll also add paperwork to the list of things that irritate me. In this digital and green world we live in there should not be that much paper piling up every day!

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