
Link love (Powered by super salmon and goat curry)

Snapshots into my life right now:

  • Someone posted our class photo from 2003 on Facebook and started tagging everyone in it. I can’t believe it’s basically been 10 years since we started high school.
  • Bodies are funny. Not so long ago, I couldn’t eat peanut butter without breaking out in cysts, I couldn’t go a day without washing my hair and NOT look like a homeless swamp monster, and I had less of a face than I did an oil slick. None of these are true right now. Yay hormones righting themselves, eventually!
  • Attending the Magazine Awards this week, it struck me just what a rich history and tradition the industry has. I hope one day digital media will host its own equivalent (and yes, I know there are the Webbys, ONYAs, etc, but one that’s purely editorial would be bangin’).
  • I would quite like to be able to put the phrase “award-winning” in front of my name. Perhaps some day.
  • I was finally, I think, getting comfortable with the idea of getting married in the next year or two. And then I wasn’t. My original life plan included getting married close to 30 or so, at which stage we would then be ready to buy a house and have kids. Marriage was a trigger, really, for that next life stage. Getting married at 24/25 means coming back post-honeymoon to years more of the same: renting crappy Auckland housing stock while scraping together a deposit. Someone I know reckons she was never this cold while living in Canada (where it SNOWS) because property there is actually properly insulated.

Links I liked this week:

Blueberry cream cheese pie with shortbread crust (via Poor Girl Eats Well). Drool!

Triple berry buttermilk bundt, by Smitten Kitchen

Stonesoup explains how to get more fish into your diet, even if you don’t live near the sea

How to learn a language in 90 days, at Zen Habits

Ask A Manager busts some myths about job interview thank-you notes

Aloysa shares her thoughts on the can-women-have-it-all debate

Earth and Money shares how to pull off a frugal, green wedding for $5000

Finally, TeacHer Finance voices something I’m feeling lately – that the financial journey never lets up

5 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by super salmon and goat curry)

  • Reply fromshoppingtosaving July 1, 2012 at 14:44

    A digital media awards like the one you are talking about sounds awesome. One day!

    I totally know how you feel about the marriage thing. I’m 24, and I really don’t want to get married even though I know I am ready for it and I know that I want to marry my BF of almost 7 years. Marriage to me, should signify a huge change in your life.. it means kids come next and joining finances, purchases, debt, and everything. I guess I’m old-fashioned, but I want to make marriage a catalyst for a bunch of those milestones in my life. I don’t want to keep doing the same thing while I am married…even though technically we are, just without the formalities.

    • Reply eemusings July 1, 2012 at 16:05

      Word! So well put.

      Also, creepy. I turn 24 this week and we’ve also been together seven years…

      • Reply fromshoppingtosaving July 2, 2012 at 00:04

        You’re kidding!!! I thought you were older, by at least a few years. I love your writing (obvs) and you just came across as more mature than me. That’s really cool 🙂

  • Reply Third time unlucky – burglars are scum | Musings of an Abstract Aucklander July 14, 2012 at 01:51

    […] itch to travel has been intensifying of late, and my urge to buy a house as well. Like I said last week, if we get married soon, I don’t want to keep renting till we’re 30, scraping together a […]

  • Reply Links Grow on Trees - Productivity Rules | Earth and Money July 21, 2012 at 23:21

    […] come back since, particularly Modest Money, who I feel is like my personal cheerleader  Thanks to Abstract Aucklander and The Outlier Model for linking to my wedding wrap-up post in their weekly roundups. Much […]

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