
The two things you need to successfully change your life

the key successfully changing your life<image via turatti on flickr>

I have come within metres of a convicted killer.

Did that get your attention?

Paul Wood told an amazing story at TEDx Auckland this month. From high school dropout and murderer to PhD, it’s a tale almost too good to be true. No doubt those younger years form a part of his life he’d rather forget and leave well behind him, but it’s a surefire way to gain media attention and can only be a boost for his business.

His turnaround is a testament to the power of drive and determination.

Without that that internal drive and desire, you can’t expect to get very far. He identified the negative influences in his life, the factors that were holding him back, and set about eliminating them. Sure, there were setbacks, and it took a long time to work through his first degree and fulfil university requirements while in prison, but after that, he set about gaining another, and then another…

But he also made the point that he couldn’t have done it alone. Success rarely happens in a vacuum.

His father visited him every weekend. His professors visited him in jail so he could complete his course criteria. It’s something I’ve mentioned before – you need incredible inner strength and motivation to break a cycle, and it’s damn hard to do it in a hostile environment. Conditioning factors shouldn’t be understated, nor should the importance of mentors and role models. No human is an island.

6 thoughts on “The two things you need to successfully change your life

  • Reply Mo' Money Mo' Houses (@momoneymohouses) October 18, 2012 at 07:54

    Ok I need to find out more about this guy, interesting!

  • Reply plantingourpennies October 18, 2012 at 14:19

    I see your convicted killer and raise you dinner with a serial killer. =)

    I know that wasn’t the point of your piece – but couldn’t resist. Do you know where the video of his talk is hosted? I’d love to view it if it’s out there.

    • Reply eemusings October 18, 2012 at 14:59

      They’re not up yet (still being edited apparently) – I’ll try to remember to check back next week and see if they’re available.

  • Reply Miss T (@prairieecothrif) October 21, 2012 at 11:04

    I can relate to the second. I had to break out of a really bad cycle when I was younger that created numerous family issues for me. It was really hard and I often wanted to give up. But somehow I found the strength to get though and things are so much better now.

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