Money isn’t everything, but having it means you don’t have to make as many decisions and it makes so many things easier. I don’t have to figure money into my decisions and it is such a freeing feeling.
Nice list. I just drafted a post about how everything on my life goal list is an experience or skill that I want, not a physical *thing*…but now I’m rethinking that! 🙂
I remember a song in relation to money! Money isn’t everything in this world. There are more things more important, but we should know how to handle and manage money.
It’s like an old joke I heard about people who brag about how little they need to sleep: “Saying you can get by on 2 hours of sleep is like saying you only need 2 teeth to chew. You can, but you look a helluva lot better with more.”
Same thing with money. Yes, we can get by with less money, but that doesn’t mean life isn’t easier with some extra funds.
Money is really nice to have, I certainly won’t deny it. I would love to have a brand new laptop, a top of the line dslr with a macro and telephoto lens, etc.
Totally understand every single one of those wants. It’s like the recipe for a great weekend morning.
Money isn’t everything, but having it means you don’t have to make as many decisions and it makes so many things easier. I don’t have to figure money into my decisions and it is such a freeing feeling.
mmmm cheese! I concur! Cheese, bread, wine, olive oil…I should probably move to Greece or Italy.
I have to ask you to write my Christmas lists for me when I get rich enough to afford a house and when le enfant stops using my shirt as a napkin.
I love that song!
Nice list. I just drafted a post about how everything on my life goal list is an experience or skill that I want, not a physical *thing*…but now I’m rethinking that! 🙂
My Dad has a saying in Cantonese which roughly translates to: Money isn’t the ultimate thing in life, but ultimately you need money in life.
I think this rings very true because like it or not, people need money to survive in life.
The nice thing about Le Crueset is you only have to buy it once!
We all still want things in life, even if we try to be frugal and/or minimalistic. Thanks for the reminder!
You had me at smoked salmon. How expensive is it in New Zealand? I buy it in the US for about $10. Not much and not often but it is quite affordable.
It’s like we shouldn’t live this world for money. Money is just a challenge and a tool, it’s not the center of our life.
I feel like we’re twins. I want all the same things. Especially the knives. Mine are a hot mess.
Haha I love that list. What I really want is to walk into a store and be able to pick up things without first having to anxiously check the price.
I remember a song in relation to money! Money isn’t everything in this world. There are more things more important, but we should know how to handle and manage money.
It’s like an old joke I heard about people who brag about how little they need to sleep: “Saying you can get by on 2 hours of sleep is like saying you only need 2 teeth to chew. You can, but you look a helluva lot better with more.”
Same thing with money. Yes, we can get by with less money, but that doesn’t mean life isn’t easier with some extra funds.
Money is really nice to have, I certainly won’t deny it. I would love to have a brand new laptop, a top of the line dslr with a macro and telephoto lens, etc.
Oh my favorite is smoked salmon. We have similarities! 😀
Artisan cheese! This is my favorite!
All of these things are absolutely delightful.