
February roundup

This month I did something a little different and tracked every single expense by hand. I just wanted a really accurate picture of our spending, and although it started off kinda fun, I soon fell behind and it became more of a chore. I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss anything off – here’s hoping – and certainly nothing major. What was nice was having the flexibility to make up categories of my own! It inspired me to finally get my butt into gear and add three new classifications in my online banking tracker (you’re allowed to add four of your own maximum).

  • We’ll have his car loan paid off this month, and I can’t wait! There’s nothing worse than paying interest on something that you no longer even HAVE.
  • It looks like he blew of a lot fun money, but $50 of that was for his ticket to a Shapeshifter gig, which accounts for nearly half of it.
  • Misc. items include donations, a bug bomb for our room, and a haircut for him.
  • Grocery spending looks REALLY good this month! Dining looks in line at just over $30 a week, although T is averaging a similar amount in lunch money.  I try to corral him into making SOME of his own lunches, but it doesn’t always happen. He also doesn’t always have access to kitchen facilities if he’s working on sites, so that narrows down options.
  • I bought a lot of things this month for various mystery shops – Lotto tickets, some goodies from Lush, pizza, and three meals and a beer. I’m only waiting on about $60 in reimbursements at this stage.

In extra income, I made $355 from my second job (which went towards our Waiheke trip) and netted $166.41  from mystery shopping after purchases. That went towards a pretty summer dress ($30) and the rest was split between our ‘bills’ account and savings.


Save 20 per cent – DONE

One new recipe each week – Major, major fail.

Run once a week – Done, barring last week when we went away… but at least I got some swimming in!

Make an upwards career move – Done, to an extent. I’m still not counting this as fully achieved.

Donate to charity – Done in cash, canned food to the foodbank, dollars earned through an online survey site, and some old clothes for a child cancer appeal.

3 thoughts on “February roundup

  • Reply The Asian Pear March 3, 2010 at 15:27

    oooh!! you changed your template. SPIFFY! So fresh and clean. Just in time for spring!

    YAY for the pay loan. You must do a big post for that when it’s paid off for sure!

  • Reply eemusings March 3, 2010 at 15:36

    Lol! Am still working on finding a header font. It’s a work in progress.

    I was all set to do a post recently about how close the end of the loan was..but decided that would be really lame. Haha. And then there was a bit of upheaval and the projected payoff date got pushed back a bit.

  • Reply me in millions March 4, 2010 at 07:37

    Jealous of the mystery shops. I would love to do that!

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