
Link love (Powered by houseguests and popcorn)

Three totally random thoughts on money:

  • Funny how you stop taking notice of minimum wage once you’re past that threshold. How you stop caring. In fact, maybe you would like it to stay that way because the higher it gets, the less your rate seems.
  • Gangs are the corporates of the underworld. Those at the top are untouchable and keep their hands clean while their worker bees are not that different from cogs in the corporate machine.
  • It feels like I’ve been tracking my spending for ages, but it’s only been two years. Thinking back to when I started tracking my spending religiously, I wonder what I would do today if ASB (one of the most forward thinking banks in the country, IMO, along with BNZ) had not introduced the Track My Spending tool at just the right time. I remember the first time I decided to sit down and calculate our spending in late 2007; I literally printed out statements, marked them up and busted out a calculator. 2008 brought on time of struggle as T was laid off; a household consisting of one student and one unemployed person does not make for financial stability or comfort. Then tracking came along just as I graduated, started working and really started getting ahead.


Two very personal money stories, shared by Adam at Man vs Debt.

Krystal explains why a line of credit shouldn’t be your emergency fund.

What is the most amazing thing you’ve done with money? Fabulous Broke wants to know.

Little Miss Moneybags lists money habits that make her feel either frugal or broke.

Katie Going Global explains how she financed her career break.

At Cracked, five stupid habits that growing up poor engenders (echoes my post here).


Three reasons not to go back to university, by She Bloggs.

Tips for being a great mentor, at Intuit.

Financial Samurai says even millionaires find it tough to quit their jobs, and at Untemplater, argues that you shouldn’t be in a rush to join the real world.

One teacher wonders what’s become of her past students, at Red Lips and Academics.

Girl with the Red Balloon has a potential new job in the works – but it’s not a clearcut decision.

At Grow, why every job seeker should be blogging.

Ms Career Girl asks if you’ve been depositing into your ‘social bank account‘ lately.


Thoughts on living life and leaving a legacy, at Stratejoy.

Are you backing up your blog, self-hosted types? If not, Geek in Heels has some tips.

Untemplater walks us through what to do when you’ve lost your wallet.

Cordelia reminds us to take things as they come and not play the result a moment too soon.

And lastly, a beautiful post by Andrea on the things her son has taught her.

5 thoughts on “Link love (Powered by houseguests and popcorn)

  • Reply Laura at Red Lips & Academics January 29, 2012 at 09:49

    Always love your link roundups, ee. So much good stuff here!

  • Reply Cordelia January 29, 2012 at 11:53

    Thanks for the love!

  • Reply Little Miss Moneybags January 29, 2012 at 12:07

    Thanks for the link!

    I love reading other bloggers’ round-ups since I invariably find stuff I hadn’t read. This was true of yours today as well!

  • Reply sense January 29, 2012 at 20:57

    I don’t comment on these types of posts much, but I just wanted you to know that I really enjoy them!

  • Reply Jen @ SheBloggs February 6, 2012 at 05:47

    I’m a bit late, but thank you so much for including me!!

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